To be a winner in any subject is simple. Love the subject. One should have a burning zeal to understand the subject. Getting marks comes as a corollary.
It is by understanding each and every step in the theorems following the logic behind the development of the arguments and being convinced about what one has studied that one masters the subject. One has studied that one masters the subject. One has to practice as many problems as possible to see how the theorem or theory is applied. It is better to practice those questions and try to solve them in half an hour. There is an easy way of approach for anything. Go to the heart of the question.
One can learn by learning how to think for oneself. The moment one is not convinced about the steps in proving a theorem or standard example, it is time to consult the teacher. The kinks in thinking can be removed in two minutes. However, as long as the kinks in the thought process remain, the subject will never be understood correctly.
One should never play probability games with questions. Every topic is important. If one wants to be a doctor, one cannot neglect to study the difference in the functioning of the kidney and the heart just because normally this question is not asked.
Have a confidence in yourself. After all you have studied the subject for one year. Even if you want to forget it, you cannot. It is very simple to be a champion. You have to decide to become a champion; then you can be one.
Wishing the best of luck for all my students. :)