Amazing news I today came to know that not only thrill me but astonished me. The man and reptile have learnt to coexist peacefully in four villages Musharu, Polshoria, Chhoto Poshla and Boro Poshla of Burdwan district of West Bengal. Children learn about cobras before they even walk. There are snakes everywhere – one for every two residents is the estimate. No one knows the exact number. They are worshipped as an incarnation of goddess Jhankeswari, hence the name jhaenglai. The snakes and people have lived together for hundreds of years.
The villagers won’t touch the snakes. Villagers are extremely protective about the reptiles and do not allow outsiders – even if they are experts – to touch the snakes. According to them the snakes are amazing. They may feed on chicks and ducklings but never harm cattle. The cows and calves stamping on them with their hooves. But they don’t strike back. According to the
Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), there would have been many more incidents of snakebite. Strangely, villagers are convinced that snakebite can be treated at the temple. Victims are brought to the temple and made to bathe in the pond. They listen to mantras, fast for a day and are not allowed to sleep. In a few days, they are cured.
Many herpetologists and biologists have visited these Burdwan villages to unravel the mystery behind this strange coexistence. No one, though, has succeeded. Researchers can’t do much because villagers won’t let even a single snake be transported out. A team from
ZSI visited the villages, confirmed that the snakes were cobras and milked them to test the potency of their venom. These snakes enter kitchens and climb shelves while the women cook. The snakes do not feel threatened and people have got used to them. It’s truly remarkable.