The amount of sleep each person needs depends on many factors, including age. The amount of sleep a person needs also increases if he or she has been deprived of sleep in previous days. Getting too little sleep creates a "sleep debt," which is much like being overdrawn at a bank. Eventually, your body will demand that the debt be repaid. We don't seem to adapt to getting less sleep than we need; while we may get used to a sleep-depriving schedule, our judgment, reaction time, and other functions are still impaired. read more…. >>>>
The old school of thought was that sleep is a passive state but the fact is it’s a dynamic process, where in the brain is very much active. Sleep is very much essential for us over all functioning of body, even the immune system. Sleep helps in fighting diseases and protecting us from falling sick. Are you aware that the growth hormones get released in our body during our sleeping process?
The result of sleep deprivation can cause lower body temperature and even decrease in ones immunity level by lowering white blood count. If we don’t sleep for a day, we tend to get drowsy and irritable. But sleep deprivation in a long run can lead to impairment of memory and can cause various mood swings. Even ones judgment time gets reduces if not slept properly for days.
The sleeping time required by various age groups is different. Infants needs the highest sleeping time as compared to adults and elder people. The sleeping time can vary between 14-16 hours, which are divided into various sleeping intervals. An average of 8 hours sleep is what is required in adult hood. Some times it’s broken into 7 hours of night sleep and rest into a afternoon nap. If there is a deprivation of sleep in last few days, this needs to be compensated by sleeping a little longer. In older age there is a tendency of sleeping for shorter periods rather than sleeping at one stretch. Even the time an elder person takes to sleep is more than a youth requirement.
There are various Do’s and Don’ts of getting good sleep. Caffeinated drinks like coffee, chocolate can cause in delay in falling sleep. Even certain medicines or people who smoke too much can get into a problem of sleeping. Use your bed only for sleeping purpose, never ever eat, drink, talk on phones or watch TV there. Never ever force yourself for trying to sleep. If you don’t get sleep for half an hour or so, just get up go to some other room, sit there till you feel drowsy. You should not eat just before sleeping. Give your stomach rest for at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. Do not take your sleep problem easy, if you are not able to fall asleep, do consult a doctor. read summary...