Managing Time – Part 3  

Friday, January 25, 2008
Another method by which one can remember things is by repetition. As a child one might have noticed the teacher asking the children to repeat the mathematical tables a number of times and then checking back whether they remember it or not. You may forget the way to your friend’s house if you go there once only. Once, but if happen to go there everyday for a week you automatically tend to remember it.

Creating necessary atmosphere and ambience during study time also enhances the memory. If you are sitting in a study room with variety of noises coming from outside your task of remembrance is made doubly difficult. Sit in a peaceful, cool and comfortable room. Don’t allow and extraneous factors to distract you and then a single reading might be enough to remember the subject for a long time. Blind reading without first trying to understand the underlying concept makes it very difficult to remember. If you have understood the concept thoroughly then you need not have to put so much of effort to remember the facts.

Human brain is the most complex organ and many researches have yielded very little on the thought and memory processes that take place in it. It is the single most disguising factor between man and an animal. However, most researches have proved that the capacity to remember or the kilo bytes of the human computer are limited. It all depends on how you put it to good use. Don’t go by the fake claims of quacks and glamorous advertising of medicines that enhance memory. Rather than doing good they cause harm with their endless side effects. As the capacity is limited, one should be a good manager of his own memory resource. Don’t try to remember everything and anything under the sky. It is impossible. Try to figure out the important from the unimportant and the ones to remember from those that are not intended. Surely success would be at your door step.

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