11th Hour Tips Before the Examination (part – 3)  

Monday, September 17, 2007

Schedule for Your Final Revision

The last 3 to 4 weeks immediately before your examination should be set aside for revising the important points again and again from your revision notes. Do not attempt to learn new things. Prepare a revision plan for this period, so as to leave time (atleast 2 days) for a final wrap up just before the examination. Set your target dates or dead lines by which you are to complete each part of your course.

One of the most frightening aspects about examination revision is the very size of the task. The very sight of books and mountainous stack of notes can put you off. Break up this large task into small tasks. Divide each subject into units. Now set aside notes on each unit separately. If it still looks frightening, divide it further. This will make it easier for you to conquer. Avoid finding an opportunity to postpone your studies.

Devote more and more time in testing and fine tuning your final strategy. The difference between successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not even lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.

Never! Never!! Never!!! Give up

The ideal recommendation schedule for one month before exams is as follows:

Day 1 – 20


8 hours: Revision of all subjects (divide all units into 20 parts and revise one part everyday, give more time to topic of more weightage do not try to learn new things or thing you feel very hard). Make rapid review notes during revision.

3 hours: Rehearsal test (focus on improving speed and accuracy)

½ hour: Test analysis; find out areas, in which you need more practice.

4 hours: Problem practice. Work on weak areas found in test analysis of rehearsal test so as to perform better in the next test.

Please take good sleep of 6-7 hours daily, otherwise you will lose your efficiency (Feel happy).

Day 21 – 28: Review all notes, take ‘sample paper’ test.

Last 2 days: Avoid any activity which may cause anxiety. Just go through rapid review notes you have prepared. Try to get your full period of sleep

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