Exercise Your Brain (Part –3)  

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Cool – down: Relax with colour

This exercise draws on the concept that colours have a major influence on our sence.

Time: Preparation takes one to two minutes; the exercise, 10 minutes or longer.

Materials: A timer or an alarm clock, a sheet of white unlined paper and a box of crayons.

Body position: Lying down.

Step 1: Sit at a table, take out your box of crayons and select a colour you really like.

Step 2: Colour the entire sheet of paper with the crayon you choose. Don’t stop until you've achieved the exact shade you want. If you plan to do this exercise in the future with the same colour, save the sheet.

Step 3: Set the timer for 10 minutes (longer if you like). Lie down comfortably. Prop up your colour sheet in front of you, either by drawing your knees toward your chest and resting the paper on them, or by holding it in your hands.

Step 4: Take five deep breaths.

Step 5: Focus your eyes on the centre of your colour sheet. Let your mind reflect on this colour and on any memory associations that come up (re may bring up images of candied apples or red lipstick). Linger over each memory, recalling the incidents in which the colour played a role. Spend time with each image, letting each come and go naturally (you can also just stay with one). If no images come to mind, simply rest your eyes on the sheet and sink into the colour as if it were a large pool. If your mind wanders, repeat the name of the colour to refocus.

Step 6: When the timer rings, lay the sheet down. On the count of 20, get up and stretch.

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