Magnetic Heal  

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The magnetic therapy plays an important role in medicine. They are used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. In the last 15 years, there have been over 57 studies conducted in the USA about using magnet therapy in certain ailments like osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.

What is Magnet Therapy?

The Earth is a huge magnet and it passes on magnetic energy to all things. The human body is composed of billions of cells, each of which is an electrical unit. These cells vibrate or oscillate at specific frequencies, picking up their frequencies from the ether. Hence, when the magnetic field of a human being is weakened by known or unknown phenomena, aliments develop in that part of the body. With the help of a correctly-positioned magnet close to the affected part, the yin and the yang in the body are balanced and the disease weeded out.

How To Use Magnet Therapy:

Magnet therapy is easy to practice at home, though it is advisable to seek help from an expert. People fitted with pace makers or other surgically implanted gadgets and pregnant women should avoid this therapy. A magnet has two poles: north and south. In alternative therapy, the north pole of a magnet is the south-seeking pole and vice-versa. The south-seeking pole (N-pole) absorbs the body’s pains, while the north-seeking pole (S-pole) gives energy. For most type of aches like toothache, arthritis, rheumatism, etc, place the N-pole of the magnet close to the affected part for 20 to 40 minutes, once or twice a day, till the pain subsides. While chronic aches take longer to heal, patients with acute pain find relief relatively faster. For problems related to the spinal cord, the N-pole of the magnet should be used along the spine for 20-40 minutes. The magnet should be held alternately on the left side of each vertebra and then on the right, for four minutes at a time. The application should start at the top. For insomnia and other such conditions, where one need energy, place the S-pole of the magnet on the forehead, between the eyebrows, for about 10 minutes daily over two months.

As magnets are known to expel toxins and purity blood, drinking magnet-charged water also helps. To prepare magnet –charged water, two magnets with opposite poles facing each other should be kept against a glass of water for five minutes. One can also hold two magnets with both hands (N-pole in contact with the right and S-pole with the left) everybody for about 15-20 minutes, positive energy.

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