Organising Learning  

Sunday, March 04, 2007

…hello students here I want to present you the organizing learning and its benefit.

The net out put of the total day is how smartly you organize the whole day. I believe in hard work ……do you believe? The more important thing in today’s arena of cut – throat competition is not just working hard but also working smartly.

…….the form of which material is learnt partly determines the form in which it will be recollected. You can divide the process of the learning and remembering into three stages:

· Original learning

· Storage

· Retrieval

……..hello students often difficulty in learning seems to be not much storing information as in retrieving it just when you want it.

An analogy can explain it.

Visualize yourself in a very huge library with lakhs of book but no systematic arrangement of books and catalogue to refer. You are left with only one way to find a book of your choice from such a library that is to go from book to book to see whether the particular book of our choice is there or not. In this process you may or may not be able to find the book since the books are arranged in random manner.

……….hello students do you imagine the situation.

….for efficient retrieval of a book you need a systematic arrangement and a catalogue to refer.

No one knows how the brain stores information, but it is probably an electrochemical process rather than a mechanical one. The point of analogy is that recall is much better when learned materials are committed to the memory store in an orderly and structured fashion. If you have filed away the facts carelessly, you may not be able to retrieve them when you want them. Often while discussing an examination question paper, students insist that they knew the answers of the question but did not realise at that moment or the wording of the answer was such that they were unable to connect it with the information stored in their mind.

………………hey students is not happens?

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