Managing Time – Part 2  

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Students… time management begin with the use of a calendar or planner with daily lists and taking the time to write down everything that you must do, so that it gets done. If you sleep seven hours a night, you have 119 hours a week to do everything that you need to do. That, of course, includes everything from going to class, eating, athletic events, social activities, personal hygiene, time-in-transit, studying, telephone and television time, and everything in between. You must use all 119 hours a week to schedule everything that you must do. Then you must stick to your schedule, which should give you an idea of where your real priorities are.

To begin, make a semester calendar. Use a wall or desk calendar for major exams and due dates; basically the events that you must do and that do not change. Use your class syllabi to help you complete the calendar. You should keep a pocket calendar or use the month calendars in a planner as a remainder of your schedule. In addition, a weekly schedule be used which should be made once a semester of all classes, exercise, routine work and extracurricular activities, housekeeping duties, sleeping and eating, and blank space to fit in necessary activities as they come up, which is usually done weekly, preferably on a Sunday night before the week begins. These blank spaces should be utilized for studying and the completion of assignments. Study time should per hour of class. Moreover, a daily list should be made each day, either when you wake up in the morning or each night before you go to bed. The list should be kept short, about five or six items, both academic and personal. The list should also be prioritized and the items should be small specific goals such as read one chapter of Physics or do all objective MCQ’s related to previously done chapter. You must learn to use your schedules every day and learn to say “no” so that you can keep to your schedules.

Yes students we are discuss the topic in next day…cheers J

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