Blogosphere – And You …..  

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

There are all sorts of reasons and all sorts of bloggers. read more...

Do you think about blogs? What comes to mind? It is an online diary, an extension of one’s professional work or just a space on the World Wide Web. There are all sorts of reasons and all sorts of bloggers.

However, blogging is a passion. A blog becomes an extension of your personality with some waking up in the middle of the night to jot down a note for the next day’s post. Bloggers were already a thriving community and they managed to push the blogosphere to the edge.

There are no confirmed and updated figures with regard to the number of blogs in the blogosphere. Like most initial efforts at diary writing, blogs too are abandoned as quickly as they are created. And, as this chapter advocates, many sign up to blogs because they would like to try out the features of the platform first hand before committing to it. Any figure put up will be wrong if any active blogs were to be considered – of course, defining an “active” blog is a subjective matter again.

The most recent available statistics state “The blogosphere doubling in size every 6 months. It is now over 60 times bigger than it was 3 years ago. On average, a new weblog is created every second of every day”, and a blog search engine claims to index 5.5 crore blogs... read summary...

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